Episode 40 The Rajasuya Sacrifice

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Krishna, Arjuna, and Bhima challenge King Jarasamdha of Magadha, and Yudhisthira prepares to fulfill the requirements for the Rajasuya Sacrifice, which will declare him emperor of the world.

Suggested Reading:

Reich, Tamar C. "Sacrificial violence and textual battles: inner textual interpretation in the Sanskrit Mahābhārata." History of Religions 41.2 (2001): 142-169.

van Buitenen, J. A. B. "On the Structure of the Sabha Parvan of the Mahibhirata." India Maior (Festschrift Gonda), ed. J. Ensink and P. Gaeffke (Leiden: EJ Brill, 1972): 68-84.


Episode 41 Sisupala


Episode 39 Jarasamdha